Are you running late for your office? Did you snooze your alarm several times that you woke up hungry and frantically panicking to miss your daily commute ride and be late to work? It is well known that during such crunch times, meal plan delivery comes in handy.

Dietitian Avni Kaul shares a list of some easy and healthy breakfast meals that are super quick to prepare and can help you to get to work on time while at the same time satisfying your hunger.

Here take a look at some of the healthy breakfast foods shared by India’s top dietician and nutritionist Avni Kaul.


Smoothies are usually loved by everyone for they are effortless to consume.  There are several options to choose from when it comes to a healthy glass of smoothie. Take fruits or vegetables of your choice or anything that your taste buds love, pour everything in a blender, run it, and the smoothie is ready.

It does not take you more than a few minutes of preparation, and your hunger will be satiated as soon as you have gulped down the smoothie of your choice. For a healthy option, it is advised to have an unsweetened base, like soy milk, the addition of which makes you get all the nutrients of the smoothie.


Fruits are best consumed during the morning when your body and mind needs energy the most. If you do not have the extra few minutes to turn on the mixer and make a smoothie, you can eat your favourite fruits on the go. By consuming fruit as a quick morning meal, you will kick-start your metabolism and regain the energy from the fruit like vitamins and other essential nutrients. The utmost preparation required for eating fruits in the morning is using a knife for cutting and peeling them.


If you have just a few minutes to spare, place one or two slices of bread in the toaster. Toasts will not only give you comfort but also make you feel full as toast expands in the stomach after being eaten. As a result, you will feel fuller for a longer duration and thus able to concentrate on your work without bothering about hunger pangs. The best thing about toast is that it makes one feel happy as they choose their favourite bread and add butter, jam, Nutella, cheese, or any other spread of their choice on them. From your health’s point of view, opt for the multi-grain or brown bread instead of the white one.


They do not take much of your time, space, or effort. All you require is a bowl, spoon, your favourite cereals, and your preferred milk. It is recommended to select healthy grainy cereals, add a handful of raspberries, and enjoy it. If you do not have the time to sit at the table and enjoy the cereal bowl, pour the contents in a Ziplock pouch, and eat them while on the move. You can also carry the milk in a travel mug and enjoy breakfast later at your office desk.


Eggs are one of the best breakfast dishes worldwide, and there are several ways to cook and enjoy them. Some like them boiled, fried, as an omelette or as scrambled eggs. The best thing about the eggs is that they are quick-to-make, delicious, and packed with essential proteins.

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