Today is World Diabetes Day. This day is celebrated to raise awareness related to diabetes worldwide. On this occasion, India’s eminent Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul says that whether one is recently being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or have been surviving with it for long, one thing is certain that your diet plays a vital role in managing the condition.

Of the two types diabetes 1 and 2, Type 2 is the most prominent one and this can be successfully managed with the correct food.

Diabetes is completely about the pancreas, an organ that has 2 major functions. To convert what one eats into fuel and regulate blood sugar. To do it, this produces insulin. But for a few, it does not happen normally.

Type 2 diabetes suggest either that not enough insulin is produced in the pancreas, or that the pancreas is not working effectively. Essentially, it is too much sugar in the blood, and diet is the key.

As said above diet plays an important role while physical activity is also essential to manage Type-2 diabetes.

Here are some of the foods that could be beneficial

High Fiber Food

The key to improved health, whether medicines are being used or not, involves increasing the amount of dietary fiber and eradicating refined carbohydrates from your diet. Fiber slows the absorption of sugar, assisting to stabilize blood sugar levels. At least 30g must be consumed daily – by consuming plenty of vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, green peas, spinach, lower-sugar fruits like berries, nuts, and seeds, particularly chia seeds and flaxseeds.


That includes brown rice, amaranth, millet, steel-cut oats, and whole wheat. These foods take a longer time to be digested as they release the sugar lot slowly into the bloodstream, so one does not get a sugar spike. They are also good for your gut health and helping in constipation.


Refrain from eating any vegetable that grows in the ground, as these are more possibly to spike your blood sugar. These are potatoes or beetroots. From vegetables try to have leafy greens such as spinach, cauliflower. As a normal rule, one can eat vegetables that grow above the ground freely. These give good sources of soluble and insoluble fiber, which is good at helping to regulate blood sugar.


Healthy options of protein such as fish, lean meat, soya, paneer, beans, lentils, and fats coconut, eggs help to manage blood sugar and insulin metabolism. Defective insulin metabolism means that insulin can no more regulate blood sugar effectively. Think of insulin-like a key, and a receptor as the lock. If it is overutilized, eventually the key and lock becomes worn and do not work properly. This is primarily what happens with insulin resistance, and in more severe cases it develops into type 2 diabetes.

It is recommended to not start a diet on your own if you are suffering from type 2 diabetes. Talking to a qualified nutritionist is always the key before adopting a diet to counter your diabetes. Also, diet alone is not beneficial. Regular exercise is the key here to get the best results.

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