Today is world vegan day. Every year this day is celebrated to promote the concept of adopting the vegan lifestyle.

This blog by India’s leading Nutritionist Avni Kaul talks about the things you need to consider before switching to veganism and how one can make up for it.

Dietician Avni Kaul says as, with any diet, veganism comes with its own sets of benefits and drawbacks. And though veganism could be a healthy, sustainable diet for a few it is important to learn about any potential risks linked with this popular eating pattern. And at the same time how you can eradicate that risk with vegan-based alternatives

Before, telling you about the drawbacks here are some of the benefits that a vegan diet could provide. Vegan diets seem to be high in many nutrients, low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and also rich in dietary fiber. But there are several nutrients that those following a vegan diet often do not consume enough of.

Keep a Close Eye on your Iron Levels

Iron has a crucial role in transporting oxygen in your body but it can be hard to get enough of it when one follows a vegan diet.

There are two kinds of iron, heme iron, and non-heme iron. Heme iron is available only in animal sources.

Since those following a vegan diet do not get heme iron, they have to rely on non-heme iron, which can be present in plant sources, including fruits and vegetables. Sadly, it is not as readily absorbed by the human body as heme iron is.

Also, certain plant-based components can further inhibit iron absorption, making it harder for those following a vegan diet.

Risk of Developing Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Sadly, this deficiency can be difficult to detect. Several vitamin-B12-deficiency symptoms could be mistaken for other conditions like weight and appetite loss, constipation, tiredness, and anemia. Some neurological symptoms of this vitamin B12 deficiency that is potentially irreversible consist of numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, issues with balance, and also dementia.

Source: and

However, there some good and healthy options available for Vitamin B12 for vegans. They are milk from soya, fortified plant-based, and coconut, fortified cereals and mushrooms

Availing Proper Protein is a Challenge

Another thing is that protein deficiency can cause fatigue, hair loss, swelling, etc. Since this diet does omit meat, a popular protein source for several people, those who follow a vegan diet needs to be careful to consume plenty of high-quality, vegan-friendly proteins. Vegan-friendly proteins are soya milk, legumes like chickpeas, beans, and nuts like walnuts and almonds.

Going vegan is not a bad choice. However, do ensure that your body always gets sufficient nutrients. So if you are eliminating some of the foods from your routine, do make an attempt to replace them with the alternatives to continue to live a healthy life without any obstruction.

P.S. The vegan diet is not suitable for everyone. Any diet that asks of eliminating any food group is tough to follow and it does not work for everybody. Before adopting any diet do consult a qualified nutritionist. Adopting a diet depends on several physical factors.

**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**

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