Research indicates water retention is generally highest on the day of the cycle, Avni Kaul explains.
Several women experience bloating ahead of their monthly cycle. It normally begins a week before the period actually starts leaving many feeling uncomfortable and  occasionally even in pain. Luckily, a good thing is that one is able to manage period bloating by implementing specific lifestyle changes.
Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul suggests a few easy to follow dietary and lifestyle modifications tips that will certainly come to your aid. It mainly happens because of the changes in estrogen and progesterone levels. Research shows water retention is normally, highest on day one of your cycle,” the nutritionist.
So, how to overcome the discomfort that you often face during the monthly cycle? Since your body retains water, it would be good to reduce or even refrain from having it during the cycle.

Salt-Based Foods – Processed and commercialized foods have a lot of sodium and other harmful components too. So if possible, limit their consumption. Also, refrain from adding extra salt to your meals.
Alcohol  and Caffeine Based Beverages – Frequent consumption of alcohol or caffeine-based drinks makes the cramps worse due to the increased water retention. Bloating or water retention leads to painful cramps. Therefore, refrain or at least limit your alcohol intake during periods. Caffeine overstimulates the digestive tract and irritates your bowel system. Hence, it’s consumption should be thought over too.
Refined Carbohydrates – If possible, try to refrain from eating refined carbohydrates, such as white flour (maida), along with processed sugar-based products. All these boost the insulin levels in your blood that leads to kidneys having to deal with extra sodium.
Include Potassium and Protein-Based Foods – Include foods that are rich in potassium, such as bananas and tomatoes, as these help to maintain a good balance of fluids. Similarly, foods with good fats such as chia seeds and nuts are healthy choices. Include a good amount of protein rich foods like fish, chicken, chickpeas, lentils and quinoa .
Natural Diuretics – These foods boost your urine production thereby lowering water retention. Try including ginger, cucumber, lemon juice, and garlic. These will also help you to feel lighter on your feet.
Water – Make certain to drink adequate water, so that the urine runs clear and smooth.
Do Not Miss Your Physical Regimen – Many feel uncomfortable to be physically active during periods but it is key to good health while remaining bloat-free.
Get Quality Sleep – Sleep is mostly affected because of the pain during menstruation and bloating. Try to  get a good sleep for  7-8 hours because it is when you are relaxed, the extra fluid is able to move back making you comfortable.


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