In this hectic modern-day world, people always search for shortcuts in anything they do, even when it comes to their own food consumption. Dry fruits and nuts are the great quick solution-based food that several people depend on to satiate those unwarranted hunger pangs, specifically when they are running against time or are attempting to stick to their diet.

What are Dried or Dry Fruits

Nutritionist Avni Kaul says these snacks are all the healthy nuts and dried fruits such as almonds, cashew, pistachios, raisins, prunes, and many more that you get in markets and stores all around you. Dried fruits are usually, fresh fruits that have been dried.

Fruits get dehydrated by conventional sun-drying or other drying methods. They shrink up and the pulpy remains are the dry fruits that one enjoys at breakfast or during those mid-day breaks. Since the water content is removed, the fruits become an energy-store house with concentrated nutrients.

This blog, by Delhi’s top nutritionist and dietician, Avni Kaul talks about the health benefits that one can get from dry fruits.

Improves Immunity and Counter Fight Diseases

Filled with vital nutrients, the benefits of dry fruits, and nuts for health cannot be ignored. Dry fruits increase your nutrient consumption as they are high in potassium, iron, folate, calcium, and magnesium. The antioxidants bolster your immunity, keeping you healthy and away from diseases.

Assists with Weight Loss

People who include nuts and dried fruits in their diet are surely aware of the benefits of dry fruits for weight loss. When taken in moderation, they assist you to decrease weight and remain fit. Those who vouch for dry fruits are known to take in reduced fats, sugar, and more importantly nutrients for proper metabolism.

Keeps Tummy Healthy

Prunes and other dried fruits contain fibers, both soluble and insoluble, which improves digestion and keep our stomach and gut health. The soluble fibers act as a probiotic and upkeep the required good bacteria. The laxative qualities of almonds and walnuts assist maintain a happy gut.

Counters Constipation

Dry fruits such as Fig or Anjeer has several benefits as they are high in fibers which makes sure a healthy bowel. Fiber assists the body to remove waste from the body easily. Other fibrous dry fruits are prunes and dried apricots. Pistachios and dates make the bowel more flexible and, thereby, relieve constipation.

Fights Anaemia and Bolsters Haemoglobin

Prunes and raisins are high in iron and are good for those who are anaemic. Dry fruits are filled with nutrients such as Vitamin B, minerals such as phosphorous and copper, and unsaturated fats that bolsters the regeneration of blood cells and haemoglobin in your body. Almonds, anjeer, pistachios, and cashews also provide energy and build stamina.

Maintains a Healthy Heart

Raisins plays an important role in reducing systolic blood pressure. They control cholesterol and decreases inflammatory markers in the body. Almonds have Vitamin E and monounsaturated fatty acids that prevent spikes in your cholesterol levels and maintain it at a healthy level. Brazil nuts keep a check on blood pressure as they are a good source of potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

**This article has been written by team Nutri Activania**

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