Hypertension is a condition when the pressure of blood against artery walls is continuously higher than what is normal. There are numerous cases reported in India every year and blood pressure of higher than 140/90 is considered to be a marker of hypertension.

Blood pressure is considered to be severe when it goes above 180/90. Higher blood pressure usually does not have any symptoms, but can lead to an increased risk of potentially fatal conditions such as heart disease and stroke. Hypertension can be managed by making a few dietary and other lifestyle changes.

Eliminating foods having high amounts of trans-fats, salt, and sugar from your diet can help you regulate blood pressure if you are suffering from this condition.

In this blog, Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul talks about fruits one must eat if suffering from hypertension.


One of the hugely popular, widely available and consumed fruit, orange is high in potassium. A 100-gm portion of the bright and vitamin C-rich fruit has as much as 181 mg of the mineral So have the fruit whole or drink it’s juice in breakfast to get your blood pressure under control.

Apricots (Khubani)

Apricot or Khubani in Hindi is a top fruit to consume if you are looking to reduce your blood pressure. This fruit contains around 259 mg of potassium in a 100-gm portion. The common way of eating apricot besides consuming the pulp is to make into jams or eat pieces of apricot with oats


The best fruit to load up on potassium is banana, that contains as much as 358 mg of potassium, per 100 gm. Bananas can be consumed in the form of milkshakes also. Try to have it in the morning to manage blood pressure levels.

Pomegranate (Anar)

The red seeds of pomegranate can be eaten raw,  added to salads, or made into juice. Pomegranate contains 236 mg of potassium per 100 gm and is perhaps one of the healthiest fruits to have in your hypertension diet.


Guava is loaded with health benefits and is perhaps not appreciated enough. Guavas are richer than oranges when it comes to both vitamin C and potassium. They contain 417 mg of potassium per 100 gm. They can be consumed as juices or raw.

Apart from them, eating green leafy vegetables and exercising regularly will significantly improve symptoms of hypertension and bring your blood pressure down. Avoid eating unhealthy foods and start including more fruits and vegetables in your diet to regulate hypertension.

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