Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) is a disease that has taken the women of the modern world by storm. Polycystic ovarian disease is a very common disease heard in the modern world’s younger generation. In PCOD, several numbers of small cysts develop in the ovaries. This condition leads to unpredictable hormonal behaviour.  It is a must that young girls understand this disease at an early stage because of its causes and future implications.

Dietitian for PCOS in Delhi, Avni Kaul says it is a hormonal imbalance that is responsible for the outcome of the following:

·         Imbalance of the 2 female hormones estrogen and progesterone with estrogen taking the upper hand, responsible for menstrual irregularities, infertility, increased risk of endometrial (inner lining of the uterus) and breast cancer.

  • Insulin resistance leads to obesity.
  • Excess of testosterone causes acne and hair growth.

The Common Symptoms Of PCOD

  • Irregular period cycles.
  • Increase in weight, particularly around the waist
  • Acne.
  • Unwanted excess growth of hair on face and body or loss of hair.
  • Dark pigmentation of skin around or near the neck.
  • Difficulty in conceiving a baby.

The actual reason for its causes is not known. Though the early age of menarche (the time of the first period), pollution, an unhealthy lifestyle that includes lack of exercise, and eating fast food are mostly blamed.

As far as treatment is concerned regarding PCOD sadly, there is no treatment available yet. However, one can manage or control it by making some modifications in lifestyle. Further, it can be controlled (not completely cured) by a multi-level disciplinary method involving a gynaecologist, dermatologist, dietitian, endocrinologist, and infertility expert.

In this article, eminent Dietitian and Nutritionist Avni Kaul talk about dietary and lifestyle tips to counter PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Disease).

Include Nutrients In Your Diet

You must add oats and fruits in your diet. You do not have to follow a strict diet chart. Your body needs nutrition so you have to concentrate on that thing. The goal should not lose way but it should be giving it what it needs. Adding anti-inflammatory food in your diet is quite helpful. You should add raspberries, strawberries, pineapple, and green vegetables like spinach. Also add food high in protein like egg, fish, chicken breast, guavas, and apricots. You need to pay special you have a focus on getting the right amount of food for every item.

Try Not To Eat Fast Food

High amounts of salt and preservatives aren’t healthy. Also, these foods are filled with unhealthy species, trans fats and artificial sweeteners that are responsible for the growth of bad cholesterol and affect the blood pressure of the body. Fast foods and fried foods raise the glycemic index and also trigger diabetes. These are the major factors behind obesity.

It is better not to eat processed food as it is not at all good for health.

Not Every Fat Is A Bad Option

Your body also requires fat which is helpful for the body. Adding good fat to your diet like in the form of fish, almonds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds will help your body to absorb vitamins like D, A, E, and K.


There is no doubt, exercise is a great way in making the body and mind perfect. But how does exercise help in solving your issue? If you exercise regularly for 2 months then you may not see changes physically but internally it will make a huge difference.

You can do a combined workout of cardio and begin on building strength. Cardio assists in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and also aids in reducing weight. Over a period of time, it will start building muscles and improve the metabolic rate. If you do not like exercise you can also, do yoga, aerobics, pilates along with cycling and hiking.

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