The fruit of the Indian subcontinent, the native tropical tree is known as Jamun has gained popularity globally which traditionally have been known for containing health benefits as mentioned in ancient medicinal practices texts such as Ayurveda. With its close resemblance to blackberries but different in colour & unique taste it has numerous health benefits attributed to it, which ranks it among the most nutritious fruits to be eaten globally thanks to Indian communities spread across the Globe.

What lies in it is a magic mix of nutrients?

Nutritionist Avni Kaul says this wonder fruit has high nutritional value as it boasts of a high amount of protein, and fibre and is full of antioxidants, flavonoids, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium & manganese. Also, it is rich in vitamin C with substantial amounts of riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, and vitamin B6.  In fact, due to the presence of these minerals & vitamins, it helps in fighting cancer, curbing diabetes & infections, and work wonders in liver ailments and many other diseases. But the biggest reason it becoming popular in recent times is low in calories, making it a great healthy snack.

In this article, Delhi’s top nutritionist and dietician Avni Kaul talk about the wonderful benefits of Jamun.

Acts As A Natural Blood Purifier

Jamun is a natural blood purifier due to the presence of iron. Making it boosts oxygenated blood with enough haemoglobin to reach various parts of the body. The effects can be easily seen with improvement in your skin texture and quality with a reduction in acne when you include it in your diet.

Aids In Digestion

Traditionally known to help cure digestive ailments like indigestion, diarrhoea, in dysentery & dyspepsia. It aids in maintaining healthy bowel movements & eradicating wastes inside the bowels at regular Intervals.

Good For Your Gums And Teeth

As its rich in vitamin C Jamun proves to be beneficial for your gums & teeth. It also cures in oral problems like soothing wounds due to bleeding gums. With its strong antibacterial properties, it helps in preventing bad-breath issues also Jamun juice can be used as a natural mouthwash by you.

Good For Your Heart’s Health

The presence of triterpenoids in Jamun may prevent the accumulation or production of bad cholesterol in the human body. Making it wonder fruit for people with heart disorders. With the presence of potassium in it, Jamun is considered packed with essential minerals for your heart health.

Also, it acts as a protective shield against any cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, & preventing strokes.

Benefits In Case Of Diabetes

The reason being Jamun considered a wonder fruit is that it’s being boon for patients with diabetes or high sugar, due to it having a low glycaemic index & keeps control over blood sugar levels. It contains oleanolic acid which has anti-diabetic properties. Extracts of Jamun’s bark with its seeds in powdered form are considered to be very beneficial in regulating diabetes. Its seeds have jambolana, which helps in preventing starch from turning into molecules of sugar, which keeps monitoring levels of sugar levels in the blood.

Increase In Stamina & Aid In Overall Wellbeing

Jamun juice helps in improving & maintaining the energy levels & stamina of your body. Being rich in iron contents helps in curing anaemia. Its juice has been found helpful in reducing the pain & inflammation of the joints as it flushes out free radicals from the body. Also, last but not least Jamun helps in curing urinary disorders & intestinal worming.

Each part of this wonder tree “Jamun”, from its bark to its fruit has medicinal and healthy nutrients. Being readily available to consume, whether consumed as Fresh fruit or in frozen form as pulp, it should be included in your regular diet to keep you hale and hearty.

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