For several fasts in Hindu culture, Karwachauth fasting is also an important one. As married women observe fast for the well being of their husbands. The fast requires one to be without any food or water for around 12 to 15 hours post sunrise. Even though fasting is good for detoxification of your body.

But for some, it could have some complications due to prolonged fasting specifically, in the case of those women who are diabetic. Thus, they need to take extra care while observing this fast.

This blog by India’s leading nutritionist Avni Kaul says if you are diabetic you need to know these tips before observing fast on Karwachauth.

Diabetes and Karwachauth Fast

Generally, post fasting women prefer eating the kind of food that contains fat, carbohydrates, and calories. But this can cause a spike in the hyperglycemia level and glycemic index. Type-1 diabetes patients have more risk of hyperglycemia. This is why it is important to follow good habits of eating so that one can observe fast easily.

What to Eat Before You Fast

Traditionally, married women eat Sargi in the early morning. This food is supposed to be full of healthy nutrients because for the remaining day you need energy. Women suffering from diabetes need to take precautions. Sargi food needs to be full of protein and complex carbohydrates. You can include Paneer, lentils, green peas, mushrooms, cashews, and almonds for your protein intake. Whereas, for complex carbohydrates, you can opt from amaranth, millets, kuttu, brown rice, jau, ragi, wheat, oats, quinoa, apples, and pears.

What to Eat Post Breaking Fast

It is important to break your fast with some light meals. Try to refrain from consuming trans-fats-based foods. Also, at first, you need to make yourself hydrated by drinking water or lemon juice. Instead of eating sweets and fried foods, going for protein-based foods will be more beneficial that consists of vegetables, curd, pulses, and grains.

Some Essential Tips

·         Do consult your nutritionist before observing fast and test your blood sugar.

·         Do have a thorough diet plan from a nutritionist.

·         Sargi diet needs to be consisting of protein and complex carbohydrates.

·         Make yourself hydrated post breaking fast.

·         Take care of your insulin dosage.

·         Keep checking your blood sugar level throughout the day.

·         If you observe that your blood sugar levels have dipped below 70mg/dl or exceeded 300mg/dl then if possible eat something.

P.S. If you are diabetic and planning to observe fast do have a consultation with a qualified nutritionist.

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