Although it’s a well-known fact that black salt is good for health you may not be aware of its multiple benefits. The household name of black salt is Kala Namak. Majorly used as a seasoning ingredient for multiple recipes.

Nutritionist Avni Kaul says black salt in its solid form resembles crystalline and is a dark brown coloured minute chunk. By crushing these crystalline chunks into power, black salt is formed. Originates from India and Pakistan, black salt is found in the higher Himalayan regions and is also called “Himalayan black salt”. Often considered a home remedy for treating stomach issues due to its medicinal power and health benefits.

The black salt is extracted from volcanic rocks that are unique and of different compositions because it is also labelled as Indian volcanic stone salt. Due to the presence of iron and other minerals in it, it gets its pinkish colour naturally. The sodium level is lower in it; thus, it is prescribed for high BP patients. It boosts the entire digestive system. Nutrient compositions of black salt are magnesium, sodium chloride, ferrous sulfate, magnesia, ferric oxide, sodium sulfate, calcium, greigite & potassium.

In this article, Delhi’s eminent dietician Avni Kaul talks about 5 ways how Kala Namak (Black Salt) ss beneficial for your health.

It Aids in Digestion & Treats Heartburn

Due to excess and high heat exposure which it undergoes during its formation process, it has huge minerals because it has an alkaline property which helps in neutralizing the acid found in the stomach, which results in curing heartburn. Ideal food for stopping acidity instantly. Use it to prepare food or simply prepare salads by adding Kala Namak to it. The other use of black salt is, adding a pinch of this salt along with a glass of water. This drink will instantly give relief in case of heartburn.

Treating Gastric Troubles

One simple way to cure intestinal gas problems is using Kala Namak in your diet. It aids in improving your digestion; reduces acid reflux and is considered an excellent remedy for intestinal gas. Use a copper vessel, add a pinch of this salt and dry roast it well, switch off the gas burner and take a glass of warm water, then add the roasted black salt and mix it well and have this instantly. It is an effective remedy for treating gastric issues very fast.

Treating Respiratory Problems

Kala Namak is used commonly in treating various respiratory problems like allergies, sinus, sore throat, congested nose and asthma. It can be inhaled directly or using it in steam. It is the best remedy for these respiratory problems. Add it to your inhalers which can be used at least twice a day to get effective results.

As A Laxative Agent

In the case of reoccurring constant constipation, adding black salt to your diet proves to be an excellent remedy in treating it. One of the best ways to take this in your diet is, to cut the ginger into French cut shapes, sprinkle black salt on it and add lemon juice then mix it well. You may have this mixture along with your main menu, it results in good digestion and helps in treating constipation effectively. The easiest way is to have a glass of water add little black salt to it and have it immediately, this is the best medicine for constipation.

Natural Skin Cleanser

It is one of the best natural skin cleansers, the skin pores get opened and the dead skin cells are gently removed from the skin, along with it, the excess oil is removed too. It gives a natural glow to the skin and makes skin acne-free naturally, start adding it to your regular cleanser and then do the cleansing with it, it has a good effect on the skin, and you can feel the softness and improvement in your skin lustre.

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