Generally, a lot of people are aware of brain-boosting foods like walnuts, spinach, salmon fish, etc. But you know there are also foods that can alter brain functioning and can make mental health weaker?

In this article, India’s leading Nutritionist Avni Kaul shares the list of food that one must restrict if he/she suffers from Anxiety. These foods should also be restricted by a person who may not be suffering from anxiety but going through a highly stressed or emotionally challenging situation that can trigger anxiety.


Believe it or not, the most popular drink that people globally take to ease stress and anxiety is actually making the situation worse by seriously disturbing mental health. Although people claim to experience the relaxing of mood with a few pegs of their favorite whiskey or vodka but in reality, alcohol dehydrates the body and disrupts the sleep pattern that seriously affects the brain functioning and worsens the anxiety symptoms.

Alcohol also changes levels of serotonin and the neurotransmitters in the brain, which makes anxiety worse. And when the alcohol wears off, you may feel more anxious than before.


Unfortunately, the second most popular drink – Coffee that people are habituated to fight stress, boost concentration and alertness actually do more harm to our brain than good. High levels of caffeine can not only increase anxiety and nervousness but also decrease the production of the feel-good chemical serotonin in the body, causing a depressed mood and anxiety.

Typically, caffeine is safe in low doses. But high doses can cause unpleasant effects, namely anxiety, and nervousness. According to the study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information intake of 300 milligrams of caffeine a day can increase the existing level of mental stress by double. A 300 milligrams of caffeine is generally found in one large coffee cup that is served in coffee chains.

Added Sugar

Though we cannot 100% restrict sugar as it naturally occurs in many of the foods including fruits but added sugar is a contributor to overall anxiety and we should restrict it, especially when we have anxiety issues.

Added sugars cause blood sugar to spike to high-levels.  When the body releases insulin to help absorb this excess glucose and stabilize blood sugar levels, sugar rush makes the body dwork harder to get back to normal, causing metabolism disruption, resulting in bad mood and spike in anxiety levels.

Foods that fall into the added sugar category apart from baked savouries are sugar added commercial juices, sodas, etc. But some of the high levels of sugar added food that we commonly miss identifying are ketchup, noodles, pasta, and white bread.

Food Additives and Artificial Sweeteners

There are times when we order a pizza or burger to uplift the mood. No matter how delicious and exciting junk food may feel, it also tends to be loaded with artificial sweeteners and food additives that cause various disruptions in body functions and worsen symptoms of anxiety. In addition to anxiety, additives and processed foods can also have an adverse effect on digestion, which in turn can fuel anxiety.

There is a direct connection between the nerves of the stomach and the brain. If someone is having digestive distress, it will typically trigger anxiety. To know more about the connection of stomach and brain and to know about a suitable diet to fight anxiety refer to our blog:

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