The weather is already changing. A few days ago there used to be biting cold and now the weather has turned slightly pleasant. Prior to this, there used to be uncertainty regarding the weather and temperature.

Those are the times that test your immunity. Immunity is one of the most essential processes of the body that supports keeping diseases at bay, particularly during the days when seasons are changing.

It is vital to eat foods that help build immunity stronger. The greatest part of these immunity-boosting foods is that you will get them easily at home.

In this article, Delhi-based Nutritionist and Dietician Avni Kaul talk about such immunity-boosting foods.


Apart from normally being good to keep cold and cough at bay, garlic also acts as an immunity enhancer. This flavourful food has active ingredients and antioxidants that help the immune system counter germs and protect the body.

Black Pepper

Black pepper or the Kaali Mirch, aids in boosting immunity naturally. The spice is naturally rich in Vitamin C which makes it antibacterial and also keeps toxins at bay.


Citrus can do great things to keep the common cold away. It is also an important anti-fungal and antiseptic. The high content of Vitamin-C naturally available in lemon makes it a must-have to keep your immunity levels high.


This ancient spice is known to have anti-fungal and antibacterial qualities as well and supports in building the body’s natural defence against disease-causing viruses and bacteria. It has its active ingredient Curcumin, which serves all the medicinal properties.


Ginger helps in soothing the throat relieves chest congestion and also provides the body the much-needed push which is needed for immunity thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger also contains antimicrobial compounds that allow it to help in treating infectious diseases.

Besides, these foods there are other ways that help you to boost your immunity such as exercising daily, making sure you get sufficient nutrients in your diet, having a balanced diet, getting 8 hours of sleep and maintaining a healthy body weight.

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